How to Teach Energy Engineering

A concise summary of how to teach Energy Engineering

Teaching Energy Engineering can be a gratifying opportunity to share your wisdom and light with the world. As one of the first Architects in the world, we get to be incredibly free with how we choose to proceed. I recommend the topics that have worked for the past decade, ranging from prerequisites to manifesting the unmanifest. When you share information or teachings about Energy Engineering, the lessons can be summarized as needed, but I recommend presenting the topics in a specific order. If the training is happening spontaneously with one or two individuals, please consider stopping at the threshold between engineering and architecture and referring them to this platform for further learning.


I understand that offering to teach can feel like a significant commitment, but equally often, we find ourselves with one or two individuals with whom training spontaneously occurs. For either case, please feel free to summarize the earlier lesson materials as needed for your audience. I do highly recommend the following topics, in order, be presented to your students:


  1. Prerequisites

  2. The Tenets

  3. The First Principles

  4. Natural Law

  5. The Three Foundational Energies

  6. The Three Needs of Consciousness

  7. How to walk a Moonlit Path

  8. Dream Interpretation

  9. The Manifest and Unmanifest

  10. The Decider

  11. Phasic Structures of Linear Consciousness (Monophase/Interphase)

  12. Divided Aspects of Consciousness (Polarity Maps)

  13. The Containment Process


Again, I recommend that if you are in the process of 'spontaneous containment,' you pause them where they are at within the ‘9 minutes’ and refer them to this platform, as this is the threshold between Engineering and Architecture.

Remember, we do not use the Containment Process on children or people in distress. This is NOT a healing modality.



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