For those of you who are interested in learning how to create new dimensions of consciousness, subscriptions are your gateway to accessing these lessons.

Energy Architecture and Engineering can be accessed through four different subscription tiers, based on your level of interest.

Made your choice? Sign up HERE!

  • Pick this Membership for a free trial!

    Requirements: Account created and disclaimer acknowledged

    If you are a new visitor to Energy Architecture and Engineering and are exploring how this program could be a right fit at this time, this subscription is the best place to begin. It’s FREE! All we need is an email for your account creation, a few documents and disclaimers, and you’re off to your first Lesson!

  • New to Energy Architecture and Engineering? Start with this Membership!

    Requirements: Tier 0 Account, $26 monthly subscription

    Congratulations on your commitment to studying Energy Architecture and Engineering! Subscribing to this Tinkerer’s Tier will grant you access to all Lessons up to Lesson 3, including meditations, energy exercise videos, and expansive articles!

  • Completed Lesson 3? Here’s where to subscribe for more!

    Requirements: Tier 0 Account, $36 monthly subscription

    This tier is for individuals who are ready to make the commitment to becoming an Energy Engineer, and unlocking access to all Lessons up to Lesson 7!

  • Ready to become an Architect?

    This subscription requires Lesson 7 completion and a 1:1 interview to subscribe.

    Requirements: Tier 2 Account (Must have Lesson 7 Completed to be eligible for this subscription), $46 monthly subscription

    This tier is for Engineers who have successfully stepped into Fractal Consciousness and are ready to train in Energy Architecture, the creation of new Dimensions, New Energies, and New levels of experiences! This tier unlocks the final two Lessons of Energy Architecture and Engineering (and a few secrets of the Universe, while we are at it!).


Personal, private support through coaching, or connect with community through Study Groups.

Please note some services are available exclusively for those in certain membership tiers.


  • Build of the Month


    Put the ‘how’ into practice from the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ from your Lessons in Energy Architecture and Engineering!

    Most Friday Nights from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Pacific Time

    Practice the real-world applications of Energy Architecture and Engineering!