Interphasic Loops are the Decisions you Avoid

An "interphasic symbol" is the avoidance of making a decision by the ego. Making a decision is a moment of self-determination, not just going with the flow. Some decisions challenge our beliefs and require us to become something we are not ready for, leading to avoidance through interphasic symbols. Energy Architecture and Engineering identify these limiting decisions and bring the person to the threshold of the unmanifest aspect of Self for a conscious decision on who to become.


An "interphasic symbol" is the technical term assigned to the process of the ego avoiding making a decision. It is one of the deepest and most complex processes of avoidance the ego can take to preserve itself.


When we make a decision, it is a willing act of the Self-being fearlessly present at the moment. These aren't your typical "Sure," "Whatever sounds good" decisions that surrender to the flows of social currents. These are the moments when we decide on a path for ourselves. It's the moment you decide for yourself what college to apply to, what job application to submit, that moment you decide to get out of bed this morning. Some of these decisions can represent very complex beliefs and very nuanced "Axioms," and sometimes, the decisions we have to make directly challenge these beliefs that we live by. Some decisions require us to become something we are not ready or willing to become. So we create layers of avoidance. We build a story about what this Decision represents and proceed to do everything in our power to stay just one step away from the experiences that lead to that Decision.


Suppose becoming a "Doctor" was something your family decided for you, and you were not on board with this Decision. How many layers of "interphasic symbols" do you think could arise from this experience?

Complex belief about money? "I won't have to be a Doctor if I can't afford college, so let me indulge myself by spending this money elsewhere."

Attention span beliefs? "I can give up being a Doctor if everyone else sees I can't pay attention."


This is where Energy Architecture and Engineering will test you. We will identify the Decision that is keeping your current limitations in place, and we will bring you to the threshold of that unmanifest aspect of Self so that you can make a conscious decision on who YOU are here to become.


Phasic States of Awareness: Multiphasic Symbols


Manifesting Self from beyond the Unmanifest Void