Reverse Engineering Reiki Attunements

This article will discuss the Reiki Attunement process taught by the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT).

This process involves a mixture of Linear and Fractal energetic processes, including symbols and anchoring specific bands of chi into the student's body. The process ends with the instructor collapsing a specific pranic structure across all layers of the student's body, resulting in a strong moonlit path and the student becoming a Reiki Attuned practitioner. The aspect of energy used in this process could be associated with Mikao Usui's Buddhist Enlightened Self or Wei Chi.


Reiki is typically taught in one of two ways. The original method taught by Mikao Usui was to hold the energy in front of the student until they could hold it for themselves. In later years, a third-generation student named Hawayo Takata began training Masters in the Attunement process that most of us encounter today.


It is this latter method that we will be studying.


The words and descriptions I will use come from my attempts at reverse engineering with zero prior knowledge of how this original method was performed. I will not provide their complete step-by-step attunement process to preserve trade secrets with the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT). Still, it will be described in enough detail to convey the necessary understanding.


The ICRT Reiki Attunement uses the most exciting mixture of Linear and Fractal energetic processes. Every attunement technically begins with an Aspect energy structure being placed at the top of the head and held in place using EvoPrana. Symbols are used to anchor specific bands of chi into the existing linear structures and again anchored in place with EvoPrana.

New meridians are physically anchored over the body, and the process follows this guideline:

  1. The Reiki Aspect is anchored from the crown to the back of the heart using Root Reiki energy.

  2. The instructor moves to the front of the student and anchors the aspect at the crown to the front of the heart, then to the root (where the Hui Yin is locked)

  3. The link from the heart is drawn to the hands (where a chi-anchored symbol and aspect are placed into the palms of the hands for Level 1, a Chi and Shen are anchored to level 2, and a Pranic layer is added for Level 3/Mastery)

  4. The hand meridians are drawn back to the front of the heart and sealed with EvoPrana.

  5. The instructor then moves to the back and links the whole structure to the shoulders before running it to the back of the neck.


At the end of this process, the instructor looks down over the top of the crown, down to the root of the student, and affirms they are now a Reiki Attuned practitioner. This appears to collapse a specific pranic structure across all layers of every body and results in a strong moonlit path.


To my understanding, the aspect is associated either with Mikao Usui's Buddhist Enlightened Self or with a layer of chi whose sole purpose is to cycle out stagnant energy, called "Wei Chi." They are also deeply interconnected in some traditions and not others. So, we have an instructor taking the structure of consciousness that contains both root and aspect energies, creating new energetic structures within the physical body, heating up the internal structures to induce morpho-plasticity, and collapsing the structure into a 'Reiki Attunement.' If one were to designate an 'Ascended Master' aspect and identify their specific movements in Chi, Shen, or Prana, one could create attunements to affect energy at any level of consciousness.


For those interested in creating new forms of Attunements not associated with Wei Chi, don't hesitate to contact me directly for specific project plans, as the vast amount of information available exceeds my time available for recording it all.


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