Study Group 2: Tinkering with Energy Engineering

Tier 1 - Tinkerer: Congratulations on becoming a Tinkerer in our study group! As a Tinkerer, you're now equipped to delve deeper into the realms of energy and engineering. With access to lessons up to Lesson 3, you'll gain a stronger understanding of the fundamentals. Explore new insights, experiment with concepts, and lay the groundwork for your journey towards becoming an Energy Engineer.


Lesson 2:

February 9th 5:00pm to 6:00pm Pacific Standard Time (-8 GMT)

February 10th 9:30am to 10:30am Pacific Standard Time (-8 GMT)

Lesson 3:

February 16th 5:00pm to 6:00pm Pacific Standard Time (-8 GMT)

February 17th 9:30am to 10:30am Pacific Standard Time (-8 GMT)

Zoom Links:

Group A (Friday 5:00pm PST) Click Here

Group B (Saturday 9:30am PST) Click Here


Study Group 3: Welcome to Advanced Engineering


Study Group 1: Sightseeing with Energy Engineering