
Lesson 4: Conversations in Energy

Our consciousness is composed of symbols and energetic phases that change in context to where we are and who we are. As an Energy Engineer, you can become proficient in mastering the pranic lens and the processes that allow new energies into awareness by making an ally of the unconscious mind. The universe loves fractals, and our consciousness can grow to contain more complex experiences, leading to a more complex structure of consciousness.

By now, you're probably beginning to notice that your constellations have changed. The statements you use for "I am" are rarely universal and, out of necessity, change in context to where you are and whom you are with. This is a normal and natural habit we all have in Linear consciousness.

With the maps filled out in Lesson 3, we can now see the constellation of our awareness.

The layers of physical energy we act with translate through and are filtered through the lenses of pranic energy, attached to memory, and anchored within the physical body, balanced on the tip of your awareness. As an Engineer, you will become proficient in mastering that pranic lens and the processes that allow new energies into your awareness. To do so, we need to ally with our unconscious mind, for it can help us access the totality of our full awareness.

I want to take a moment to remind you that the universe loves fractals.

Once upon a time, you began as a division between egg and sperm, made whole and singular. You underwent cellular division to grow in complexity until the unity you shared with your biological mother was divided, and you were born. You grow as your cells divide, both in your body and your awareness.

The patterns we continue to follow, these moments of containment and division operating within more expansive octaves as we grow and contain more complexity. As fully formed adults, we explore places within our inner universe where we have divided an awareness to experience the more profound complexity of reality.

It makes me wonder. If the structure of my consciousness can grow to contain more complex experiences, will my following form after this life be more complex?

Now, we will add some depth and complexity to our Constellation Maps. You have now graduated to Advanced Constellation Maps!

Try one now. Fill out and Advanced Constellation Map and consider the following.

Begin to draw lines between symbols that feel like they have the same energy sensations at the chi layer, using the same color codes in your keys. Have you found any symbols that match your core beliefs?

The project for this week is all about learning to identify unmanifest energy.

Examine what happens in your Inner Universe when you mentally shift from one symbol to another, which does not have a common point of chi or shen connection between them.

What happens to your daydreams and memories simultaneously when you attempt to bring up these two symbols?

What happens to your pranic lenses? Do they become more active or less active?

When you've found a set of symbols that create a significant silence in your awareness, I want you to 'Walk a Moonlit Path' between these two symbols. Allow your daydreams to fill in the blanks for telling the story of how your energy changes between these two points. Make notes afterward about what symbols stood out to you, any sensations of resistance or discomfort, and where they were located. Try to drill into what physical senses were at play in this experience.

Lesson 4 Meditation

Let’s take a moment now for a meditation. Please ensure you will not be disturbed for the duration of the meditation, and that you are not operating any vehicle or machinery during this time.

Welcome back!

Now, let's ease back into our multidimensional hologram. Feel what is held in your mind and all those symbols they become. Feel the layers of chi flowing through your physical body. Observe how it triggers action by the shen of your memories, how your focus is the prana that holds the memory in place. These are bridges between the manifest and the unmanifest layers of reality, the layer between the inner and outer universe.

Every memory I am not recalling, for every thread of energy I have ever contained but am not actively using, these are housed in the realm of the unconscious mind that we can call the Unmanifest Void. This inner hologram contains the many dimensions of reality; my energy, sensory experiences, and memories. Yet, there is another part of you outside and beyond the sensations of the inner universe.

The energy you remember creates the lens of your perception. But there is more to this life than what is being experienced. While energy is attached to memory, the un-remembered energy rests in the Unmanifest Void. This void contains all you have ever experienced and are not actively remembering. When you think of an apple, who decides which of those memories manifest into your prana?

There is the touch of a Decider behind every thought you have, which leads to a physical response. When you thought of an apple in the previous lesson, could you feel your Decider exploring every energy attached to every memory in a span shorter than a heartbeat? Could you feel the energy lift out of your unconscious mind as those portals activate and the hologram floods with sensation?

Your Decider is part of your Self responsible for choosing the memories your consciousness needs to experience to grow in complexity. It is the deciding force behind how you hold your energy and the layers of pranic lensing that slow and filters the energies of reality, creating opportunities to explore who you are beyond the confines of linear consciousness.

Your Decider has access to all of your energy, manifest and unmanifest. It has experienced every memory you have ever contained and selects the energy you use to create your internal experiences. This Decider is the co-creator of your inner universe.

Some people experience an adverse sensation when they realize there is a Decider between the ego and the fast ocean of memory they contain. Remember that the Decider is your ally, just like the unconscious portions of your mind that regulate your body temperature, breathing, and heart rate. They have held these functions for you in service to the collective, multidimensional being that you are and will continue to do so from each lifetime's conception to its cessation.

As you pay attention to your dreams/daydreams and the language it represents, your Decider may engage you more strongly. It knows when you are paying attention and will respond in kind. I would like for you to spend this next week learning to hear your Decider, to notice how it brings up the experience of your inner universe in dream language, and begin trusting this aspect of your Self.

It's essential to be clear that in this space of the inner universe, the energy you can feel changes nothing about your "level of consciousness." To expand your consciousness as an Energy Engineer, you learn to master your divisions to contain how and when you create your energy beyond the confines of linear consciousness. The tension between these divisions creates the energy from which you can act. This is the most significant difference between the linear and the Fractal: linear depends on an external experience to determine how you divide your awareness to generate the energy of your reality.

Being in fractal consciousness means holding multiple constellations together consciously to provide a service of expanded consciousness to the world. It means that who you are is no longer governed by the energy within the actions of others.

Respect ensures that the divisions you are calling into a direct experience for your personal growth are not being given to others in ways that override their own needs of consciousness. This way, while stepping into your most authentic and complete Self at an energetic level, you begin to hold the space for others to step into their own authenticity.

Remember, Phases are Energetically Isolated.

Phases are expressed as organically generated fractal structures of consciousness. Bear with me here; I know that's a big one. One phase will flow into the next phase by using symbols containing energy that simultaneously bridges many phases. Let's look at how these manifest in daily life: identifying a need to buy groceries.

Let's consider your pantry as an aspect of consciousness. It is a spatial dimension for the need for 'hunger' to exist. Your pantry is low, so you identify a need for more groceries and decide to start getting these groceries now. You write down a list of symbols based on how they previously made you feel. You take your list with you in your vehicle to purchase the items.

You enter the store, identify and select appropriate items, pay for them, and return home. You array the new things in your pantry based on habit, memory, or the convenience and decide the need to obtain groceries has been met.

Most of these actions are examples of monophasic awareness. You would not usually consider using your turn signal or paying bus fare while writing your grocery list. Likewise, you would probably not be considering which check stand to use when parking your car or fishing for your house keys in front of the front door with an armload of groceries.

Now we can see that 'apple' in this context can be an 'interphasic' symbol, as it is on your list and an object to interact with physically. The apple magnet on your fridge might have reminded you that you must get groceries. Interphasic symbols bridge energetic phases. This is how a symbol can help the mind traverse its fractal structures of direct experience using memory and energy.

Lesson 4 Integration Project

I hope you've become comfortable with mapping constellations by now! I want you to map another two constellations this week, one of which needs to use the Advanced Constellation template. Dig deep and be willing to explore the less comfortable symbols.

Make sure to note the interphasic symbols, especially the ones pointing to unmanifest energy!

Expansive Thought of the Week:

What more could there be to consciousness if there is more to this life than what you are experiencing?

Knowledge Check:

See if you can answer the following questions before moving on to the next lesson:

What are the three needs of consciousness?

What energies do these needs represent?

What is unmanifest energy?

Have you mapped out an Advanced Constellation?


Build of the Month 2 - How to Engineer Energy Solutions


Lesson 4: Meditation 1