
Lesson 6: Thinking in Energy

The concept of Fractal Consciousness has been explored in the past four lessons, and the symbols that create the constellations of reality have been studied. The external factors that trigger shifts in Consciousness have been mapped, and now it is time to practice moving from one energetic phase to another seamlessly from our energetic level of Consciousness.

To accomplish this seamless transition between energetic phases, we need to learn how to bridge the available memories of two constellations together. This mapped bridge is the first step towards making a change in Consciousness that is not dependent on a direct physical experience to inform and generate our reality.

This bridge is called ‘gravity’.

The first step in this process is to learn how to bridge available memories of two constellations. The hologram of the mind is built on self-defined 'axioms,' which are formed when a decision is made about an experience based on the energy from memory. These axioms create beliefs about what it means to exist (to be, to do, and what you remember) in a certain phasic level of awareness.

We have learned how to discover the symbols that create the constellations of our reality and slow down their process as they trigger a movement from one state of awareness into another. We can recognize the layers of energy systems as they create the hologram of the inner universe. You have built the first foundations of Fractal Consciousness in just a few short weeks.

Our next step is to practice seamlessly moving from one energetic phase into another. Where external factors are used to trigger these shifts in "I am" through feelings and symbols, we will now begin to practice moving them from our energy. This includes a new multidimensionality of simultaneously existing at many points in time.

We will begin by learning how to bridge the available memories of two constellations together. This mapped bridge is the first step you will take as an Energy Engineer towards making a change in Consciousness that is not dependent on a direct physical experience to inform and generate your reality. This step makes you accountable for how your beliefs generate, define, and prioritize your energetic phases.

Let's begin with an essential definition of the structure of belief:





a statement or proposition regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true.

"the axiom that supply equals demand"

Mathematics: a statement or proposition based on an abstractly defined structure.

Origin: Greek, "Axios" (worthy)

The hologram of your mind is built on self-defined axioms.

The axioms we build our world with are conceived when an experience presents us with a Decision we are unwilling to make. The axiom forms the phases of your awareness. It condenses into a single line of gravitational thought: a belief about what it means to exist in this phase and why it is imperative to hold the phase in this constellation.

Every axiom that defines your reality is created from a need for Consciousness. It is based on one of the three essential Needs of Consciousness: a need to become, do, or remember. The needs that persist the longest are usually the most demanding experiences to avoid.

For example, let's say that in your formative childhood, a parent saw behavior from a child that made them uncomfortable: the child needed to be seen as solid and fearsome to protect a boundary; maybe they roared like a lion in a supermarket. The parent recalled how their own parents reacted to this similar situation and repeated the reaction to the child, telling them to hush and embedding them with the same constellation of suppressing the voices and need for boundaries. The energy attached to the child's memory, and every time that behavior of needing to protect a boundary surfaced within, that constellation would repeat just after it, reminding them to suppress their voice.

An axiom has formed here, a belief that when the need for a boundary arises, it 'should' be followed with an experience of self-suppression. Over the years, these axioms become an unconscious habit that triggers energetic levels in repeating octaves: from home life to school life and work life. On occasion, the axiom can be so firmly embedded that it manifests physically. In the example earlier, maybe the child began to slow down in spelling and vocabulary, or maybe they had a frequent sore throat.

It is crucial to examine where a pattern of injury is repeating. For example, where a frequent ankle injury happens, examine what memories come up in the energy of your ankle. Were you walking to a job you disliked? Where did you form a belief that you needed to slow down?

Can you see how the dream interpretation can now translate how the energy of beliefs acts on the physical body?

I would like to take a moment to recap this at a higher level. So far, an axiom is an external and unconscious adoption of someone else's constellation and the need it was conceived with. It triggers and runs just after a naturally occurring need. The adoption and execution of this foreign need prevent the original need from being met, leaving the individual trapped within the external needs of others and unable to express their Consciousness. These are often present in our lives as loops of experiences full of struggle and, occasionally, trauma.

We have many methods at our disposal to collapse these constellations that create the looping experience of reality.

Whichever method you select from the vast array in humanity's toolbox, there are two specific options I want Energy Engineers to be keenly aware of. The first method involves collapsing the original need into the unmanifest void, preventing the triggering constellation from manifesting. This array can be seen in holistic practices from Reiki to Hypnosis and the view of Energy Architecture and Engineering, largely incomplete in their effectiveness. Proper growth and thriving cannot come from suppressing the needs of Consciousness.

This brings us to the second method: isolating the experience being avoided and learning how to uncover and realize the original need.

In this context, these needs of Consciousness are your awareness of attempting to learn how to express yourself in greater complexity. After we have learned how to act on the energy of our original need and not the axioms of others, we can begin to focus on the experiences that expand our awareness to levels beyond our immediate environment.

These aren't just any experiences, but strange experiences. Ones that give you goosebumps or create moving sensations in your mind and heart. These strange experiences are a part of the fractal universe, attempting to grow in complexity through division.

Now that we have examined axioms in the micro let's zoom out and view them in the macro.

As I've mentioned, the universe loves fractals. It is effortless to see how an embryo will divide itself to create more complex forms and functions, and this process does not stop after we are born. Before it was divided into the Manifest and Unmanifest awareness you hold today, the wholeness and completeness of your Consciousness take root in physical reality by dividing and subdividing into more complex structures. Where genes activate or grow dormant to express changes throughout your lifetime, so do dream language concept structures grow and fade. By learning to communicate in the language of the unconscious mind, you make an ally of your unconscious aspects of Self and the axioms by which it generates your experience of reality.

We should all grow keenly aware of unmanifest phases and the beliefs that generate them, as they can severely influence the physical body and vice versa. The same is true of a culture's influence on the individual. The maps to dreams and their subdivided structures are passed from person to person in the same way that genes are passed from ancestors and parents to children.

While the same laws, philosophies, and moral principles of genetics might not apply to how we look at the energetic basis of a culture, it still provides a very similar thread we can weave with: the axiom.

What you believe to be necessary for your experience becomes your reality. The gravity with which you hold your Consciousness allows it to divide and sub-divide into increasing complexity based on the culture you immerse yourself within. The body and the mind echo the Fractal in balanced resonance.

Take a moment to review the Natural Laws of Energy Architecture:

1. Energy attaches to the memory

2. Memories are grouped into dimensional phases

3. Phases are energetically isolated

4. No energetic structure can grow beyond the energies supporting it

5. Feeling energy does not change the structure of Consciousness.

When we feel the energy of axioms moving within mind and body, we feel the divided aspects of our Consciousness, whose tension creates our reality through a kind of gravity of Consciousness. Feeling energy is a symptom of a change that has already happened, an etheric wind created by shifting your inner phases.

I take a deep breath and let my awareness expand into all the phases currently building my reality. I focus on the symbols that my mind is translating. They are like feeling the shifting of inner winds and patiently observing my brain's story about those shifting winds. They are the code that informs the way I experience reality. The greatest gift I can give myself is the freedom and clarity to ensure these codes are genuinely mine. The Consciousness I am attempting to express and grow into is wholly my own.

Being fully aware of my shifting awareness is how I become individually accountable for the beliefs that generate, define, and prioritize my energetic phases.

It’s now time to begin mapping your interphasic symbol for containment.

Remember, feeling energy changes nothing.

The sensation of feeling energy is the mind observing a shift in tension between divided aspects of awareness. The function of the mind, as a sensory organ, includes sensing energy. It describes observations using symbols that are energy attached to memory.

Like having a daydream, moving the symbol does not move or change the energy you contain any more than painting a picture could create the terrain for you to plant a tree in.

Energy is contained by directly experiencing energy with the physical body (as compared to the mental, emotional, or spiritual body), free of expectation and storytelling.

These moments of Containment are preceded by heightened intuition and synchronicity, so the act of containing energy requires a certain amount of fearlessness. Feeling energy without using it to make an action will repress your growth towards new levels of awareness. Remember that you are always personally accountable for the energy you put into the world.

This week, we will focus on feeling energy outside the usual Linear constraints of Consciousness. This process is a little complex but can simply be described as the energetic process that inspires our ability to have questions and understand answers.

At the energetic level, a question is a request for a change in Consciousness. The answer is the way you allow that energy to change you.

What follows is a series of questions designed to tickle your mind. Not your logical mind or your creative mind. Your other mind. Ease into the sensations and answers that come up for you.

Have you ever picked up an object or had an event bring out a sudden moment of clarity that drew in all of your attention, like gravity?

Maybe you experienced a strange sensation, like memories that have not happened yet with the object.

Maybe it felt like this moment was directly linked to a moment in the future that was so profound, the future you remembered this moment in perfect clarity.

What if this was the origin of intuition?

In this dream-like state of overlap, we can capture glimpses of what we will believe in that future moment. We can map the constellations that created this awareness and the symbols that brought us to that moment if we are quick. If it feels like a good moment, we can look for the energy of those symbols in our waking life. If they are negative moments, they can give us warnings about what we may want to avoid or integrate.

This is where Energy Engineering gets strange.

Lesson 6 Integration Project

I want you to pick a profound moment that stands out to you. Ask your Decider if you need help looking for this moment. Step into your inner hologram and allow your Self to bridge this moment, to that moment from past.

Practice what it feels like to remember this moment from the past strong enough to feel connected to the active constellations. Notice the chi, shen, and prana.

Allow the energy of each symbol to arise in your mind with energy and gravity.

Afterward, reverse this process. Open your awareness to receiving a symbol from your future Self. Allow the gravity, any symbols and their energies, to arise without struggle or surrender.

These intuitive handshakes across time will help you to build the trust and the energetic muscles needed to begin working with 'gravity,' the morphoplastic energy structure of Consciousness.

The expansive thought of the week is: "Who could you be if you no longer needed energy from memory?"

Knowledge Check:

See if you can answer the following questions before moving on to the next lesson:

What is Gravity in Energy Architecture and Engineering? How does it feel to your awareness?

Can you name at least two Aspects of Consciousness?

What phase is the foundational structure of Fractal Consciousness?

What are the five Natural Laws of Energy Architecture?

What is an Axiom? How does it relate to a constellation?


Lesson 5: Asking Questions and Understanding Answers


Lesson 7: Containing Multidimensional Structures