
Lesson 7: Containing Multidimensional Structures

In this Energy Engineering lesson, we will be training with the three foundational energies in the hologram of the inner universe; to bring forward unmanifest energies and become an engineer of your own reality. The constellations that come forward will be associated with three phases: monophase, interphase, and multiphase. By mapping these symbols to their phases, you can pinpoint and zero in on the deeper structures that create your core experience of reality.

This Energy Engineering lesson will teach you how to contain the divided aspect of your awareness by overcoming the block created by linear consciousness, aligning with the gravity of your own needs, and moving with the energy of your reality.

What symbol did your Decider give you to work with? What are these axioms allowing you to avoid in all your constellation maps? Is it related to the symbol from your Decider? Go back through your maps or dictionary and mark whether the symbol you have selected and mapped was Monophase, Interphase, or Multiphase.

By the time you reach this lesson, you should be able to work with your Decider in the hologram of the inner universe to bring forward unmanifest energies.

You should know how to define what activity this energy generates within you and move this energy between the manifest and the unmanifest consciously.

These energies are potent triggers of manifestation and expansion. By consciously selecting which energies to bring into your reality, you become an engineer of your reality. You can change your inner universe with what you already contain within your consciousness.

As Engineers, we always go first. We do not offer any solutions to others that we are not willing to experience.

Let's take a moment to review our First Principles of Energy Architecture & Engineering.

Respect all Experiences. Architects build the space for others to have an expansive experience. We do not give them our experiences or tell them how they should have their own experiences.

Neither struggle against nor fully surrender to the energy you feel. Stay centered in your balance.

Set aside the needs of the ego to begin working with the gravitational forces that direct the ebb and flow of awareness.

Neither encourage nor deter the energy of memory in these experiences.

Remember that nothing in your consciousness will evolve if you only feel the energy. Feeling energy changes nothing. To evolve, you must learn to contain that energy: become that energy and act from that energy in the world.

The energy you feel in your awareness is the energy you are preparing to contain. Proceed in awareness at all times.

Now, I want to add a few new keys to our multidimensional map of constellations. Only some symbols work the same, as I'm sure you've begun to notice by now. Some symbols can become bridges that shift, and constellations become manifest or unmanifest. With this knowledge, we can step into Energy Architecture, where we move energies that control the flow of chi, shen, and prana within our reality.

These are the definitions of the different types of phases that you should now be at least topically familiar with:

  • A singular active constellation governing energy flow from the inner universe into the outer universe is called a 'monophase' of reality. E.g., Specific Nouns like "Apple PC."

  • A symbol that bridges two monophasic symbols in linear motion is defined as an 'interphasic' symbol. E.g., Verbs like "Eating," or "Driving," or "Typing."

  • A symbol that bridges multiple phases simultaneously is a 'multiphasic' symbol. E.g., Homonyms like "Apple" or "Ring."

Please take this time to update your maps now by exploring where the same symbol is used in linear interphase or metaphase.

I mark mine out with a dotted circle for interphase and a solid circle for metaphase but use whatever works for you.

By mapping the symbols pivotal to the expansion and contraction of your focus, you can now pinpoint and zero in on the deeper beliefs that create your core experience of reality. These symbols are held in place using stories, dream language, and memories to continually re-create a pattern throughout this lifetime's octaves. In a decade of experience, I have yet to find a challenge to the axiom that this pattern is an experience we would do anything to avoid. Each of us has built an entire personality around avoiding the experience created by a divided aspect of consciousness.

It is a division we struggle to accept, so much that we create complexity ad infinitum in every other direction possible. This is where we have used fractal consciousness to create a loop that protects us and prevents us from further divisions until we are ready to consciously accept the evolution it represents. These maps you have created are all where you could accept further divisions. Further examination will show you what you have been dancing around.

This is the precipice of true evolution and expansion of your consciousness. Until now, most of you have been dependent on an external experience to govern how to expand your awareness, so long as it avoids the blank spots in your map. In fractal consciousness, you are free to expand virtually anywhere, but to get there, you must be able to contain the division that has kept you in your current state of linear consciousness.

Sometimes that process can feel like an electric shock, as startling as a clap of thunder overhead. Sometimes it can feel like death. This is what resistance and struggle can feel like.

Remember to breathe through it. Be open to the mystery of the moment and recognize these sensations for the Decision they represent. You've been through it before and will go through it again.

This is what Energy Engineering is meant to accomplish: the containment of the divided aspect of awareness through a direct experience to complete the process of fractal consciousness by overcoming the block created by linear consciousness.

I move with the energy of my reality instead of the stories created by expectations, desires, struggles, and needs.

I align with the gravity of my own needs of consciousness; my actions are in harmony with the energy with which I create my reality. This is how I contain a divided aspect of my awareness that has been trapped in stasis by linear consciousness.

As a process, "containment" means becoming aware of unmanifest energy that I can feel within the lens of my consciousness but do not experience any associated memories or symbols. By acting on this unmanifest energy and observing how it manifests in reality, I experience a new layer of my consciousness. Once I have turned this single action into a repeatable habit, I can say that I have fully contained that (previously) unmanifest energy and have manifested more of my total Self into reality.

Try it now. Step within your inner universe and ask your Decider to bring up the unmanifest energy you need to contain to expand your consciousness.

Lesson 7 Exercise: Filling out Polarity Maps

Containing energy changes everything.

The sensation of feeling energy is the mind observing a shift in tension between divided aspects of awareness. The function of the mind, as a sensory organ, includes sensing energy. It describes observations using symbols that are energy attached to memory.

Like having a daydream, moving the symbol does not move or change the energy you contain any more than painting a picture could create the terrain for you to plant a tree in.

Energy is contained by directly experiencing energy with the physical body (as compared to the mental, emotional, or spiritual body), free of expectation and storytelling.

These moments of containment are preceded by heightened intuition and synchronicity, so the act of containing energy requires a certain amount of fearlessness. Feeling energy without using it to make an action will repress your growth towards new levels of awareness. Remember that you are always personally accountable for the energy you put into the world.

We can learn most from this fifth fact by understanding that we are trapped in a cycle of reacting to other people's unmanifest energy at a cultural level. This unmanifest energy can look like many things:

  • A textbook definition

  • The opinions of others

  • An overheard conversation

  • The experience of a fictional character

These contain some energy needed by their original creator, their 'origin,' passed from person to person, culture to culture, without ever being fully contained. It can initially be a little challenging to grasp benign symbols like apples and kitchen pantries. But what happens when you start looking at concepts like 'security' or 'intimacy'? Can you see how a multiphasic symbol like 'money' might become a critical factor between these two? How might the energy you contain about 'money 'suddenly affect what you can or cannot decide on when it comes to 'security' or 'intimacy'? Worse, the needs shared by cultures are often adopted by people who don't need them, creating cycles of struggle or surrender that take people far away from their natural energetic growth.

This fifth fact is our first and most crucial place to introduce change. The Human Energy Systems of tomorrow will get us back to our core energy and understanding the needs that are genuinely our own.

To this end, these are the ethics of energy containment that you should follow to maintain good energetic hygiene and begin to return to your core energy.

Important Notice

Take the time that you need to prepare for this very significant undertaking and proceed with wonder!

After this lesson, you will be asked to make a commitment to Energy Architecture and Engineering as an Architect and completing the Containment Process - to build your foundation in Fractal Consciousness.

In order to gain access to the Architect tier, you will need to schedule a 1:1 Coaching session for assessment.

If you have already earned an Advanced Engineering certificate from an earlier program, please email a copy of your certificate to CapricornEnergetics@gmail.com for your fast-track into Architecture.

Lesson 7 Integration Project

The integration project for this week is to identify your dominant constellation and the interphasic symbol(s) that return you to this experience like a loop. Then, complete a polarity map for this constellation.

The expansive thought for this week is:

To learn a thing is to let it change you. What are you interested in learning? Does it align with how you want to be changed?

Knowledge Check:

See if you can answer the following questions before moving on to the next lesson:

What does the Containment process do?

What are the first principles of Energy Architecture and Engineering?

Have you filled out your Polarity Map?


Lesson 6: Thinking in Energy