
Lesson 8: Testing in Reality

This part begins your commitment to becoming an Energy Architect and is the most significant undertaking into Fractal Consciousness. From the completion of this lesson onward, you are an Energy Architect who has achieved an entirely new state of consciousness. No experience in the world can ever take this achievement away from you.

The Containment process is a step-by-step process that transforms a symbol from an Interphasic Symbol to a Multiphasic symbol, which is the energetic building block of Fractal Consciousness. The process involves identifying the dominant constellation, mapping interphasic symbols, naming the polarities of the divided aspect of consciousness, identifying and naming the need creating this reality, calling up the unmanifest energy, acting on the unmanifest energy consciously, and understanding the result. It is essential to remember to respect others by not encouraging or deterring another's experience and allowing others to own their experience fully.

The Containment process transforms a symbol from an Interphasic Symbol to a Multiphasic symbol, the energetic building block of Fractal Consciousness. To complete this process, the dominant constellation must first be identified by examining interphasic symbols that are difficult to pay attention to. The polarities of the divided aspect of consciousness are then named by observing how one struggles against and surrenders to the need to create reality. The unmanifest energy is then called up and acted upon consciously, leading to an understanding of the result and how it changes the energetic lenses at the deepest possible levels.

What follows is the step-by-step process to follow to complete the Containment process. This process transforms a symbol from an Interphasic Symbol to a Multiphasic symbol: the energetic building block of Fractal Consciousness.

We do not use this process on anyone other than ourselves at this training stage.

Identify the dominant constellation.

Examine your maps for the interphasic symbols that are hardest to pay attention to. You may notice that your eyes slide over the symbols several times or that thinking about them causes your inner dialogue to go silent or static. On walking a moonlit path, the story changes suddenly when these symbols appear, ultimately dropping the energy structure in most cases. These symbols are closest to the constellation to work with, the dominant constellation creating the gravity of awareness.

The question to ask yourself is:

What Need is creating my reality?

Map interphasic symbols.

Start a new map. Trace the symbols of your dominant phase, where you struggle and surrender in this state of consciousness. This new map will help you define the polarity and gather the memories necessary for this constellation. It is often helpful to record memories, dreams, moonlit paths, symbols, and beliefs discovered through this process.

The first polarity is defined by how you struggle against experiencing the symbols. Look carefully at which symbols you avoid and note them on one side of the polarity. The second polarity is defined by the symbols you surrender to, often without question or conscious consideration.

The question to ask yourself is:

How do I struggle against this Need? How do I surrender to it?

Name the polarities of the divided aspect of consciousness.

Each polarity contains a portion of the gravity of your inner universe. Between these polarities is the tension we have been calling 'energy.' This energy has been the basis for your decisions deeper, more unconscious. Name each polarity with a single word that encapsulates and contains the connective meaning between each symbol in that polarity.

The question to ask yourself is:

How has this served me in the past?

Identify and name the need creating this reality.

This need is the source of repeating unmanifest energy across the many octaves of your experiences. Experiences that you may be avoiding. Name this need with a single word that encapsulates, contains, and describes the experience it represents. This must remain a single word, as it contains the gravity of both polarities.

The question to ask yourself is:

What is the lesson of this Need?

Calling up the unmanifest energy.

To receive the symbols of the need, walk a Moonlit Path to completion within the 9-minute timeframe. Allow this moonlit path to inform your conscious mind how it observes the energy of your awareness changes.

The question to ask yourself is:

What has this story allowed me to avoid?

Act on the unmanifest energy consciously.

In the same way, you called in an experience to solve a problem, call in the unmanifest energy for you to act on in a direct experience. Call your unmanifest aspects of consciousness into direct manifestation.

The question to ask yourself is:

Who am I now that I have understood this lesson?

Understanding the result.

Record on your new map how the symbols have changed.

Did they become monophasic?

Did they remain interphasic?

Have they become metaphasic?

Did some change but not others?

Where has a change in belief, habit, or energy changed your energetic lenses at the deepest possible levels?

What does this mean for your awareness?

Common Gotcha’s during the Containment Process

Advanced Articles on Morphoplastic structures:

Morphoplasticity in ‘hot’ shen

Systems in the Generation of EvoPrana (Second Generation energy structures)

Remember, Respect Others.

Every action made within a culture reacts to someone else's needs. We can show better respect for the needs of others by neither encouraging nor deterring another's experience. Listen carefully and deeply, asking questions instead of stating assumptions. Let go of the need to control what other people experience. Allow others to own their experience fully. We cannot give them our experiences, and we cannot have their experience. We allow others to experience their own needs fully.

Lesson 8 Integration Project

The integration project for this week is to perform a full containment on your dominant constellation.

Take as long as you need on this project. Only move ahead to the next lesson once you have done so.

Remember to keep communicating with your future and past levels of awareness.

Let your ever-present-now be the bridge for accomplishing this task.

This project tests your ability to send gravity through your memories to take a complete step into Fractal Consciousness.

The expansive thought for this week is: To learn a thing is to let it change you. What are you interested in learning? Does it align with how you want to be changed?

Knowledge Check:

See if you can answer the following questions before moving on to the next lesson:

What are the steps to the Containment Process?

Have you identified the unmanifest energy you are preparing to contain?


Build of the Month 2 - How to Engineer Energy Solutions


Lesson 9: Connecting with Gravity