Energy is always attaching to memory

Your observer connects the threads of energy received during experiences to begin the process of attaching energy to memories. The subconscious mind tells a story about the change in the state of energy when memories are retrieved. The Decider, which has access to all memories, matches the energies of the moment to the current moment being experienced. As awareness is expanded to new layers of energy, memories become multidimensional, and Consciousness grows. Building awareness of energy leads to increased clarity and Consciousness.


As you go about your day, your observer is constantly connecting the threads of energy you receive in an experience and anchoring them into what will become a memory. These threads are a record of the structure of your energy at that moment: How you held your prana, the temperature of chi in specific areas of your body. When you remember this memory, the threads of energy move, returning your structure of awareness to this previous configuration for a moment. Finally, the subconscious mind begins telling you how it translates this change of state, whether in memory or in a daydream. Behind all of this, sits the Decider, the aspect of your awareness that has access to every memory you've ever experienced and matches the energies (the needs of Consciousness) from that moment to the current moment you are experiencing.


This is why, when you are told to think of an apple and you have to decide on one to describe, you automatically know which 2-3 experiences of apples to select from.


This energy-based Consciousness is limited by the Linear structuring of Consciousness. In Linear Consciousness, we all wait for something external to tell us which energy to use; furthermore, our past memories dictate our level of Consciousness at that moment.


We are only as conscious as what we remember, in this context.


So when you open your awareness to new layers of energy, your memories begin to take on a multidimensional aspect. Suddenly, you contain more energy in your memories, and your level of awareness grows each day.


Continue building your awareness of energy and clarity unlike anything in Linear Consciousness that will arise in you.


Human Energy Systems: Energy-based Cultures


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