Human Energy Systems: Energy-based Cultures

The energy that people pay attention to affects their reality. Each culture is a collection of energy frequencies tied to specific physical, mental, and emotional experiences. People share these experiences and energies in interactions, and when they agree on the same frequency, they meet at the same level of Consciousness. It takes time to learn the energetic language of a new culture, but it is important to be mindful of where energy is being put and the reality it creates.


The energy we can pay attention to dictates our reality experience. In Linear Consciousness, every culture we participate in - whether social media, religion, political affiliation, or clubs – are collective of certain 'frequencies' of energy. This 'frequency' is tied to a specific range of physical, mental, and emotional experiences. The energy, and the structure of these experiences, are akin to specific 'mudras' and 'mantras' to borrow yogic terms in the way that the members are expected to hold their Consciousness. These 'poses' and 'declarations' are exchanged between people in each interaction in the hopes of being able to exchange similar repeatable experiences, with each person taking in the energies they are capable of paying attention to. When they share that frequency with one another, they agree to meet at the same level of Consciousness. When traveling 'between cultures,' it can take some time to learn the language of a new frequency and to fully meet people of those cultures at their level of Consciousness.


This is another example of learning the energetic language of a culture. It is not just referencing key philosophies or shared physical experiences but also how much energy and focus you are expected to put into these experiences and where you are expected to end up as a result.


Remain mindful of where you put your energy, and pay attention to the reality of the experiences these energies give to the people who use them.


Manifesting Self from beyond the Unmanifest Void


Energy is always attaching to memory