
Here is where you can find the core Lessons for each Tier.

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  • Build of the Month 4 - "Love and Light"
    • 9/10/23

    Build of the Month 4 - "Love and Light"

    In this demonstration, we're going to look at how to use Energy Engineering to discover what we are really experiencing at an energetic level with our "Love and Light"! This will cover information taught in Lessons 1 through 7.

  • Orientation
    • 4/11/23


    In Energy Architecture and Engineering, we take a holistic, meta approach to expansive consciousness.

    Let’s begin with the truth:

    You are already multi-dimensional.

    If you have eyes to read the words on this page or screen, then you are engaging with one dimension of your awareness. If the words you read bring up memories, dreams, or imaginations, there is a second dimension of consciousness. If you hear a narrator in your head as you read, or if you can read and hear background noises at the same time, that is one experience of being multidimensional.

    We can all begin from this simple truth, and grow expansively from here as we begin to take conscious control of the aspects of awareness beyond the classical senses.

    Three forms of energy engage with our senses which we will cover in Energy Architecture and Engineering. From these three layers of energy, we will explore the Needs of Consciousness they represent and new ways that they can work together to manifest your most Authentic experience of your Self.

    With this manifestation of Self comes a profound sense of purpose, clear intuition, elevated synchronicities, and access to a deep well of power that is independent of any external, worldly, influence.

    Being an Energy Architect is an incredibly exciting and transformative experience! As an Energy Architect, you'll learn how to shape your reality and manifest your authentic Self (and your energy!) into this world. In this platform, you will have the opportunity to train first as:

    Energy Engineer – Creates expansive experiences to manifest new dimensions of consciousness.


    Energy Architect – Creates experiences for the evolution of cultures, collectives, and societies.

    This orientation will give you the tools to explore your beliefs, values, and the influences that shape who you are, and how to use them in Energy Architecture and Engineering to expand - or create - dimensions of consciousness.

    But first, a housekeeping suggestion!

    Please do give yourself at least one week with each Lesson before moving on to the next.

    Pacing yourself and giving yourself the time to really take in the content can be a deeply satisfying habit. These lessons have been specially formulated to show you different levels of multidimensional perception, and some of them work best when you give them time. Some are designed to begin working only once you remember them.

    I hope you've enjoyed this free introduction to Energy Architecture and Engineering, and I look forward to seeing you in the coming lessons, Engineers and Architects of the future!

  • Lesson 1: Introducing Energy Architecture and Engineering
    • 4/11/23

    Lesson 1: Introducing Energy Architecture and Engineering

    Unlock your Fractal Consciousness and design your reality as your most authentic expression of Self.

    This initial lesson will describe the very beginnings of Energy Architecture and Engineering, its benefits, and who it is suitable for.

  • Lesson 2: Learning How to Listen to Energy
    • 4/11/23

    Lesson 2: Learning How to Listen to Energy

    Lesson 2 of Energy Architecture and Engineering.

  • Lesson 2: Meditation
    • 4/11/23

    Lesson 2: Meditation

    This guided meditation should be used while studying Lesson 2.

  • Lesson 2: Daily Energy Exercise
    • 4/11/23

    Lesson 2: Daily Energy Exercise

    This Video is a great daily practice for Energy Engineers and Architects to build their sensitivity and capacity for working in the three foundational energies of Consciousness.

  • Lesson 3: Understanding the Language of Energy
    • 4/11/23

    Lesson 3: Understanding the Language of Energy

    Get ready to discover a whole new way of understanding yourself and the world around you! In this lesson, we'll be learning about the fantastic multidimensional language of energy and how it affects our perception of reality.

  • Lesson 3: Meditation 1
    • 4/11/23

    Lesson 3: Meditation 1

    This Meditation is designed to be used with Lesson 3.

  • Build of the Month 1 - Multidimensional Pendulums
    • 6/9/23

    Build of the Month 1 - Multidimensional Pendulums

    This Build of the Month covers content (and secrets!) from the first two lessons, to show you how to build a Multidimensional Pendulum.

  • Build of the Month 2 - How to Engineer Energy Solutions
  • Build of the Month 3 - Future Memory
    • 8/1/23

    Build of the Month 3 - Future Memory

    In this Build we will cover how to use Shen to explore your timelines with clarity, pushing further into the future!