
Lesson 9: Connecting with Gravity

Congratulations are due on your ability to leap across the Unmanifest Void and manifest as a more complete and authentic structure of your Self! You have completed a massive undertaking and have become an Energy Architect!

You now contain a personal measure of Gravity.

Let’s explore how to use it!

We create experiences of the Authentic Self when we are thinking and speaking using clarified shen energy, with conscious control of our convex and concave chi structures to deliberately heat or cool this clarified shen. Through this process, we are generating new phases of human energy, allowing the mind to establish connections beyond ‘linear’ language and time constraints.

Speaking to others from gravity means communicating from symbols that reveal unmanifest consciousness and prepare those unmanifest Needs for direct experience. We create and hold the space for others to experience the unmanifest energies of their own authenticity. This allows you to focus on your own needs and self-expression, while giving others the space to contain their own needs.

Lesson 9 Exercise: Recording Multiphase to Dream Symbols

Now that you have completed the Containment process on at least one interphasic symbol go through your Constellation Maps, Symbols Dictionary, and Polarity Maps. Look at where this symbol has shown up and what decision it represents. Make notes on these locations about your Containment experience: your decision, the word you used, and new connections you might have begun to notice.

Fractal Consciousness is a state of being where one creates reality from their authentic structures of Self by being centered within their inner universe and its energy layers. To achieve fractal consciousness, one's thoughts and words must contain clarified shen energy, which creates a new phase of human energy.

Speaking from gravity means presenting symbols that contain portions of unmanifest consciousness and drawing them up for a direct experience. Being in fractal consciousness means holding multiple constellations together multiphasically to provide an expanded consciousness of the world and taking responsibility for one's own state of awareness. The two ethics of respect for oneself and respect for a time allow one to focus on your own needs and energetic self-expression.

At a very technical level, achieving fractal consciousness means that the energy of your thoughts and words contain clarified shen, which in turn creates a new phase of Human Energy: energy like morphoplastic shen that allows the mind to establish connections beyond the linear constrained consciousness created by our modern concepts of language and time. There are many other forms of chi, shen, and prana to explore, and some you will create for yourself. Imagine what energy systems we can create together!

Welcome to working with "Gravity."

Any Energy you can Contain, you can create an Attunement process for.

The linear words that once told you how to move from one energy state to another, that defined your needs for you, now contain morphoplastic energy and have become fractal words. These words can present unmanifest energies into other people's consciousness in a way that rapidly increases their containment capacity when used in context to the need's polarities.

Now that you have a memory containing morphoplastic structure in your consciousness, it is embedded within your energy system. It flows with your chi, transmutes into shen, filters into your prana, and can carry this new energy signature into every octave you can communicate. It is a word with "Gravity" to it, enabling those with a resonant configuration of prana will pick up on and pay close attention to it.

This does not mean you can no longer speak and think in linear consciousness. Speaking from energy means you are using symbols in your communication to change someone's awareness to something more familiar to you or deliberately moderating your awareness to meet someone where they are at in consciousness. The dominant constellation is preserved and navigated interphasically through those same rituals of communication you used previously.

Lesson 9 Exercise: Speaking with Gravity

The Interphasic symbol that has undergone Containment is now a Multiphasic symbol, holding the gravity of multiple constellations. This new dimension of consciousness can be experienced through speaking or writing using the energies attached to the symbol's memory. Using this word in conversation can help change the world at an energetic level by observing people's reactions and making a mental note of them.

Your Interphasic symbol that has received Containment is now a Multiphasic symbol: it contains the gravity of multiple constellations simultaneously. This multidimensionality now exists when you talk or write using the energies attached to the memory of this word.

Your Chi, Shen, and Prana now hold a new dimension of consciousness in this single word.

Gently and with respect to the experiences being had by all, try to use this word in conversation and observe people's reactions to it. Does it cause them to walk their own Moonlit Path? Are they excitedly sharing a story with you about a strong memory this word has triggered?

Make a mental note of the people's reactions to the gravity of your words. This process is how we begin to change the world at an energetic level.

Be sure to pause and give yourself a moment to recalibrate when you hear people speaking from an unresolved need. Some people attempt to avoid their individual needs of consciousness by controlling the experiences of others around them, broadcasting the symbols for that constellation to manifest in the people they are connected to. This way they get to observe others going through this lesson and attempt to filter the energy using ‘knowledge’ as the linear shield.

These people tend to push off their individual growth to others, be it peers, children, co-workers, or social acquaintances. You begin to catch the people who push their unresolved needs onto others to see who can solve their problems while continuing to avoid the experience they need to expand their awareness. Their words become the level of consciousness that their families, tribes, collective cultures, and communities operate from.

While it's essential to observe this when it happens, we do not pass judgment on this behavior. It is simply how our culture has evolved throughout the eons to grow the collective consciousness. What we can do, as Energy Architects and Engineers, is to give the proper gravity of consciousness and the space to allow them the experiences to contain their needs.

Speaking from gravity means presenting 'strange' symbols that catch the energetic attention. By containing portions of unmanifest levels of consciousness and drawing them up to the surface for direct experience. These often translate into strange experiences that stand out in memory through intuition and a sudden clarity in an overlap of future and past consciousness. We are creating moments of intuition and “A-ha!” that accelerate individual growth. It can also present as increased experiences of synchronicity.

Being in Fractal Consciousness means holding multiple constellations together; consciously and simultaneously, to provide a service of expanded consciousness to the world. The energy of linear consciousness no longer governs your awareness within the words and actions of others. Now, you have the power and the responsibility to hold a higher awareness of yourself and your world.

You are now a Multidimensional Architect of reality.

Here is the process for sharing the “Golden Filament” with others who would like to enter the Engineering and Architecture path.

Lesson 9 Exercise: Building Experiences with Gravity

Our words can unite individuals with similar consciousness structures, forming our cultures and communities. Containing an interphasic symbol within a community creates an opportunity for positive expansion and evolution. To facilitate this evolution, the "Engineering Session" process uses Linear Conversation to share one's personal growth story through symbols and give others the structure and space to associate their own symbols and make their own unique expression of Self. Allow me to explain further.

Over time, our words gather collectives of individuals whose structures of consciousness more closely resemble our own. These are our cultures, the communities we share our energy with. If we contain an interphasic symbol common throughout our community, it presents us with a rare opportunity to be a platform for evolution: a positive expansion in our community.

Hosting experiences containing the gravity of what you have learned from your Containment Process can profoundly serve our world. When we provide the space for experiences beyond the standard "Twelve Archetypes" in ways that acknowledge and meet those 12 original needs, we give our future generations a chance to evolve beyond what we have experienced.

To build these new experiences with gravity, we need to first understand that this is holding an "Engineering Session" for others. We are not guiding them to a Containment experience. Instead, we are giving them the space and structure for their morphoplastic energy to arise and settle. Their authenticity will shine through, and each should have their own "A-ha!" moment.

We begin this process using Linear Conversation. In this conversation, we bring up the symbols in the constellation of the Contained Multiphasic symbols, telling the story of how the energy moves from one state to the next interphasically. This allows everyone to begin to work on the same constellation, allowing for their own variances in unmanifest energy.

Sometimes, this process alone gives people profound insights into their own experiences. It can often be kind to pause here and return to the conversation after a short break or change in topic.

The next step, once the person or collective of individuals is familiar with the symbols in this constellation, is to tell a story of how you grew: what decision you were waiting to make from that place of gravity.

This process allows you to give the structure of your consciousness to others in such a way that allows them to associate their own symbols. The blanks are theirs to fill in, and it is a tiny step for them to turn this experience into their own unique expression of Self. In this way, we respectfully offer our learnings to others without overriding their free will or making decisions.

Remember to Respect Yourself.

This is your life, your chance to explore and expand who you are at an energetic level. These moments here now can never come again. Consider time a holy thing, where you manifest your energy into the physical world. Forgive the energy attached to memory and start from where you are now. Respect the energy that has brought you to this moment and embrace the direct experience, knowing you are constantly creating it yourself.

With these two elementary ethics, you can put your energy first. Your health, well-being, and growth become a part of every action you take, and every movement, no matter how small, becomes a compounding benefit to your life.

Your life's events are not a story written to amuse or excite others. Real life is not limited to a hero's journey. From this base of respect for yourself and others, you begin to create proper actions not based on someone else's reaction. When we focus on our actual needs and energetic self-expression, we work with our natural and needed unmanifest energies, the ones we feel every day and have no symbol for, no words to describe. These moments call us beyond the edge of our perception, which fuels our curiosity and sense of mystery.

By allowing the energy to attach to memory based on your need, you will grow a little more with each experience. When your subconscious contains new energy and symbols, you become the new energy source to develop your culture. Most importantly, you are no longer dependent on direct experience to tell you when to feel good. Now, you get to choose.

Lesson 9 Integration Project

This week's integration Project will be active training in speaking with gravity.

Using a symbol from Lesson 6, pick a question that requires the answer to contain a decision and record yourself saying it using a single symbol from different phases. Make sure to choose symbols from the phases you have mapped. The most potent symbols come from the constellations you have fully contained.

An example question topic you might choose to begin the recording could be: "What should I pick up from the grocery store?"

You might record yourself responding with a question using multiphasic emphasis: "I wonder if I need more apples?"

Or you might explore an interphasic emphasis "Whose car will we drive to get to the store?"

You could also focus on the monophasic with "Which store are we going to?"

Listen to this recording at different times throughout the day and notice what happens when you hear the emphasized symbol. Try re-recording the questions once a day at the start of each day, testing your ability to voice the emphasis over the week. Compare how they came across on the first day to the last day.

I also note that responding to a question is the most straightforward and respectful way to show someone how to make a decision. This way, you allow their own needs and symbols to express in the experience.

The expansive thought for this week is:

"If a thought gives you chills or goosebumps, what part of you just entered a new dimension of awareness?"

Knowledge Check:

See if you can answer the following questions before moving on to the next lesson:

When is a multiphasic symbol used?

What does speaking with Gravity do?

Who or what determines your level of consciousness now?


Lesson 8: Testing in Reality


Lesson 10: Fractal Architecture