
Lesson 10: Fractal Architecture

As an Energy Engineer, you have created the architectural map for fractal consciousness created through the Containment of your first need of consciousness.

An Architect is someone who creates spaces for others to choose their awareness and can create new aspects of consciousness.

By becoming aware of the Need creating (and limiting) the current experience of reality and by mapping constellations and polarities of struggle and surrender, one has created a new structure of consciousness and can share this Containment with others by condensing the gravity of morphoplastic structure into a single word. When spoken, it is through a new lens of EvoPrana, opening new dimensions of awareness at the energetic level of any conversation.

Some of you may feel called to teach Energy Engineering. You can find further resources here.

Some of you may feel called to create new structures of consciousness. Those of you who may feel called to become an Architect of new dimensions of consciousness beyond the Linear archetypes will be offered a tool they can read called a "Tablet" with morphoplastic structures for the role of an Architect at even more expansive levels of fractal consciousness.

You now have your first architectural map for fractal consciousness by Containing your first need documented in your Polarity Map.

If you’re curious about the Reverse-Engineering of the Reiki Attunement Process, you can find a high-level overview here.

Architecture is where you build with gravity: the structure of consciousness beyond the Unmanifest Void. An Architect creates engineered spaces for others to consciously choose their awareness but can also create new aspects of consciousness not currently contained in their awareness.

By mapping the constellations of the Need of Consciousness that has been creating your reality and the polarities of struggle and surrender you have used to avoid the experience, you have not only Engineered a brand-new structure of consciousness for yourself but actively stepped into it. You have gone first and contained the experience and can now share this Containment with others. By condensing all of this energy into a single word, the energy can unfold into the awareness of others based on their own individual needs, often giving them a gift of understanding the lesson faster and with greater grace and ease than our own experiences of it. Hopefully, in the future, they will be able to share this energy with others as well, as a fully contained lesson and not another unresolved need of consciousness.

If you feel called to step further into an Architect role and discover the strangeness of this collective of consciousness we call life, then I want to leave you with a kind of 'Tablet.' It contains all of the morphoplastic structures for stepping into the Architect role. Read the table within your hologram and allow the things that come up to integrate within space and time.

However, before we get to the Tablet, I want to cover the three tenets of being an Architect. I created these tenets with respect for the three fundamental needs of consciousness:

The need to Become

The need to Do

The need to Remember

These Needs are foundational to all Linear Consciousness. To maintain Fractal Consciousness, I have created the following tenets that allow me to maintain this state of consciousness.

1: Respect all Experiences. Architects build the space for others to have an expansive experience. We do not give them our experiences or tell them how they should have their own experiences.

• Neither struggle against nor fully surrender to the energy you feel.

• The need to Become creates the polarities of 'Encourage' and 'Deter.' The lesson is called "Balance," and the Unmanifest Energy is "Silent Within."

2: Set aside the needs of the ego to begin working with the gravitational forces that direct the ebb and flow of awareness.

• Neither encourage nor deter the energy of memory in these experiences.

• The need to Do creates the polarities of 'Struggle' and 'Surrender.' The lesson is called "Movement," and the Unmanifest Energy is "Actions not based on previous reactions."

3: Remember that feeling energy changes nothing. Nothing in your consciousness will evolve if you only feel the energy moving from one constellation to another. To evolve, you must learn to contain that energy: become the origin of that energy and act from that origin in the world.

• The energy you feel in your awareness is the energy you are preparing to contain.

• The need to Remember creates the polarities of 'Need' and 'Desire'. The lesson is called "Understanding," and the Unmanifest Energy is "Truth."

By working to contain and transcend these energetic needs, you prepare yourself to become an Architect of reality, not just for yourself but for all beings connected with you. These principles have served me with absolute strength and virtue in my ten years of Architecture, operating as a focus for meditation and the philosophical basis of morality.

Without further ado, I'd like to offer you the Tablet of Architects.

Respect the lesson we are all here to experience.

Remember the goal of what you are attempting to contain.

All we are ever experiencing is our Self.

Neither encourage nor deter this experience.

This allows silence to form within.

The experience is what is most needed within the moment.

Movement reveals the need within the reaction.

It is your choice to react to the memory of need or to create movement beyond the need.

When you understand, the need then no longer creates the experience.

The Self no longer struggles nor surrenders but contains the entire experience within its current lifetime.

There is more to this lifetime than what is being experienced.

Your Self contains more than just the memory of the experience.

With every experience, energy is attached to memory.

The memory contains the energy within the experience.

Contained energy determines what the mind finds essential to perceive.

What you perceive is contained in memory.

To Understand is to embody the energy of the need creating the experience.

To speak without need is to reveal Understanding to others while respecting the energy they are attempting to contain.

Be Memoryless and reveal Truth.

Lesson 10 Integration Project

Your final integration project will continue for as long as you find it useful.

Use the Tablet as a foundation for the Moonlit path. Please work with the energy that comes up as you read it and call the symbols as you walk the Moonlit path into a direct experience for Containment. This is a continual process of self-improvement and expansion.

The expansive thought for this week, and all the weeks after, is:

"How much can you contain?"


Lesson 9: Connecting with Gravity