
Lesson 5: Asking Questions and Understanding Answers

Because we are physically in the world, our actions will affect the world until the end of time. By becoming our authentic Self, we can step into these far-reaching moments of truth and bridge new patterns of experiences. In linear Consciousness, bridging patterns from memory happens so smoothly that we tune it out as a natural function of Consciousness. Still, when we have experiences of unmanifest energy that push or pull an internal lens of prana out of alignment (those moments when we experience struggle or surrender), it becomes apparent that this linear process is an incomplete form of manifesting your Self in the world. Your brain is a sensory organ that senses energy and maps reality based on whatever senses you run that energy through. Through training with the Decider, we can develop trust in the unmanifest energy we are preparing manifest into our experience and bridge these new patterns into reality.

I would like to start this lesson by reminding each of us that because we are born into a physical body and are capable of physically existing in the world, the actions we take in this world will ripple out touch the end of time. Becoming our authentic multidimensional Self allows us to step into this profound truth with all that we are. If we do not, the only thing that will touch the end of forever will be the parts of other people's authenticity we have repeated for ourselves.

By stepping into the hologram of your Consciousness, you have begun to exercise the mental muscles needed to bridge new constellations across your multiverse. By bridging more of your authentic Self from the unmanifest void and manifesting into reality, you not only release the needs and burdens that do not belong to you but also step into the strongest possible constellation capable of supporting your energy.

Take a moment now to practice having a conversation with your Decider in this exercise.

In Linear Consciousness, this bridging of the multiverse happens so seamlessly that we've learned to tune out the process. It just feels natural. It only becomes apparent that something unusual happens when an internal lens is pulled out of alignment: an experience begins to loudly repeat itself in different places or with different people. Tones of familiar guides or internal dialogues suddenly change. Rooms in your home or workplace are feeling dark or oppressive. An everyday experience suddenly covers you in chills. These are examples of your unconscious mind translating these shifts into your direct experience.

You see, the brain is a sensory organ like your eyes, ears, skin, and tongue. One of its duties as a sensory organ is to sense energy. Each person maps to their reality based on their senses (some prefer audio, visual, or touch), and these maps unconsciously translate into the speaking style. (Can you hear what I'm singing out to the universe? Do you see my point? How does that feel to you? Have you caught the senses I use in these questions?)

Suppose we narrow down to one of these senses, like visual. In visual memories, we have a full scope of powerful memories, and dream symbols translate their energies to use as your first engineering project. This project will explore how to bridge what you can physically see in our reality and what you can imagine through visualization. Please note that we are using elements of hypnotic positive hallucination to turn up the volume of normally subtle patterns.

If you have unresolved trauma or begin to experience symptoms of emotional crisis at any time during this exercise, please stop immediately and seek assistance from the healing practice or modality of your preference. I do not suggest you continue this exercise until you have regained authority over your internal state.

That being said, through training with your Decider, you can develop a deep trust in the energy you manifest into your experience.

Introducing Phasic States

As we explored in Lesson 1, Energy Architects have mastered the foundational energies of Linear Consciousness and can create new energetic fractal patterns of consciousness, leading to more harmonious and fulfilling experiences and helping individuals discover their deeper purposes in life.

They accomplish this by generating a very special kind of energy, called “Morphoplastic Structure” that creates profound experiences of personal growth and evolution.

These energetic experiences and the way that manifest in memories are like building blocks that make up our transformational experiences using the 'programming language' of the universe to trigger the alchemy of expansive consciousness. You now have a firm understanding of this "Dream Language", and are now exploring the ways we can combine the phasic states of consciousness to produce new behaviors of energy.

We are about to cover the four phases of energetic structures of memory, two of which we already use in our every-day linear consciousness. As you master the Containment process, you will learn how to generate the third and forth phases.

The four phases of energy are:

Monophase: this is a state where the dream language is static and unchanging, and we experience only one energetic memory at a time.

Interphase: this is a state where the dream language is being used to transition from one monophase to the next.

Multiphase: this is a state where the dream language is holding two or more monophases simultaneously, allowing us to experience multiple energetic memories at once.

Metaphase: this is a gravitational state of 'fractal' consciousness that no longer relies on phasic states of awareness, where we can tap into our full potential and experience limitless possibilities.

Becoming an Energy Architect means learning how to work with these different phases of energetic memories and how to use them to unlock our true potential.

Now that we've made it to Advanced Engineering let's take a closer look at the two most common Phasic states of symbols in Linear Consciousness:

Phasic States of Awareness: Monophase and Interphase Symbols

In Linear Consciousness, there are two main phases of symbols: Monophase and Interphase. Monophase symbols exist in the current level of Consciousness and anchor it in place, and can be seen in things like one's home, bed, eating a meal, or checking the pantry. Interphase symbols represent a decision point that is approached. They can show up as changes within a Monophase symbol, such as an external threat, someone sleeping in the wrong bed, or feelings of emptiness or dissatisfaction. It's recommended to practice interpreting these symbols using dream interpretation to better understand the language of energy used by the unconscious mind.

Monophase – This state describes a symbol in the manifest constellation of awareness where a decision has already been made. These monophasic symbols keep the current level of Consciousness anchored in place and are considered a fundamental part of a 'stable structure' of Consciousness.

Monophasic Symbols might show up as

  • my home

  • their bed

  • this meal

  • the pantry

Interphase – This state describes a symbol representing a decision point being approached. Interphasic symbols give an impression of change, of dynamic experience within a moonlit path, and give safe pivot points for stable structures to move from one constellation to another in a way that translates between the unconscious/emotional experience and the physical experience.

Interphasic Symbols may show up within a Monophasic symbol like

  • An external threat to the home, like a flood or storm

  • Someone sleeping in the wrong bed

  • Being late for a meal

  • Seeing an empty pantry

Monophasic symbols adopt Interphasic elements when they represent a decision that is being approached:

  • Feeling anxiety about circumstances happening to others around you that may impact you personally.

  • Frustrations over someone who is breaching your social boundaries or not allowing you inside their boundaries.

  • Fears over running out of time.

  • Feelings of emptiness, dissatisfaction, or a desire for more.

This is why we have practiced interpreting and assigning meaning to our symbols through dream language to better understand the subtle language our unconscious mind uses to translate. As your unconscious mind grows to trust that you are listening to it, learning the language of energy as a state of Consciousness, you are growing your foundation for having complex conversations with your multidimensional Self.

It is highly recommended that you go through your Dream Journals, Symbols Dictionary, and Constellation maps and begin to identify which symbols are in these phases.

All of these elements of foundational energies and constellations of phasic symbols can now begin to be put together into a “Polarity Map”. This map will not only reveal to you where your consciousness is, it will also show you the gaps - the blank spots - that keep you in Linear Consciousness.

Remember, no Structure can grow beyond the energies that support it.

Energy is the root of direct experience; it is a tension between the polarities of a divided aspect of awareness. The dividing force is described as a need for Consciousness. The needs we have attached to specific symbols determine the level of Consciousness that symbol represents in our awareness.

Finally, I want to offer you the process for holding an Engineering Session for others.

You are being entrusted with the expansion of consciousness in other beings. Remember to hold their experiences - and yours - in the utmost of respect.

Lesson 5 Integration Project

This week's integration project will be to have at least 2 conversations in energy with your Decider.

For the first Iconversation, I want you to ask your Decider to show you the symbol you need to work with next.

It will be helpful to review the pranic lenses of your constellations.

Map the constellation around this chosen symbol, making special notes for the beliefs and expectations you may have around it. Walk a Moonlit Path for each of the symbols you receive in dream language for this constellation, observing how your awareness grows as you begin to include more previously unmanifest layers.

Once you understand what it feels like to map an unmanifest constellation, I want you to use this process to explore a question about yourself that you don't personally know the answer to. Maybe it's a philosophical question of a moral choice or personal ethic.

This is your second conversation.

This time, you will truncate the mapping process by asking a question to your Decider and Walking the Moonlit Path. Keep your awareness open for the question you don't have the experience, knowledge, or memory to answer.

Continue practicing these conversations with your Decider throughout the next week.

Expansive thought of the week:

How many of these Constellations you've mapped over the past three weeks actually belong to you?

How about the symbols? Which of these is your authentic Self?

Knowledge Check:

See if you can answer the following questions before moving on to the next lesson:

Name the two phases of symbols responsible for Linear Consciousness.

What is a Polarity Map used for?

What is the 9-Minute rule?


Lesson 4: Meditation 1


Lesson 6: Thinking in Energy